
BEST论坛讲座报告第三期:以健康驱动空气污染与气候变化协同治理 ——空气—气候—健康ARCH (AiR-Cliamte-Health)

发布人:pc28平台门户网站 发布时间:2022-04-13 浏览次数:777

全球环境科学高峰论坛系列讲座GloBal Environmental Science SummiT seminar series,  BEST,由pc28平台门户网站 组织、多家单位联合协办,意在打造全球范围内的精品高端环境论坛,为研究学者、企业家、环境从业者以及学生等提供广泛的国际交流机会。BEST论坛涉及主题包括:气候变化与可持续发展环境与生态健康、减污降碳协同增效、水资源及水处理技术、土壤修复、环境基准与环境安全、环境微生物学、人工智能与大数据等



    2022416 19:30—22:30(北京时间)

【直播平台】:ZOOM webinar ID: 857 2963 9662 (//us02web.zoom.us/j/85729639662)




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以健康驱动空气污染与气候变化协同治理——空气气候健康ARCH (AiR-Cliamte-Health)

Coordinate Air Pollution Control and Climate Change Mitigation Measures to Maximize the Co-Health Benefits—ARCH (AiR Pollution - Climate Change - Health Effects Nexus)





Although impressive and concerted improvements have been made since China implemented the National Air Pollution Control Action Plan in 2013, exposure to ambient pollution remains as one of the most harmful contributors to the public health in the country and the government still needs to put great effort to reduce mortality due to air pollution, aligning with 2030 and 2060 ambitious climate mitigation goals of China.

It is meaningful and important to use public health protection as a joint indicator to identify measures and policies that can achieve the most benefits through air pollution improvement and climate change mitigation. This requires integrated efforts from the communities in China working on air pollution control, climate change mitigation, and public health, which are usually separated and lack of communication.




朱彤教授是北京大学环境科学与工程学院院长(2012年—至今)2021年当选为中国科学院地学部院士。主要从事大气化学与环境健康方面的研究,取得了大气污染来源甄别、成因解析及健康危害评估等系列创新成果,应用于解决我国大气污染治理的重大环境问题,推动了环境健康领域的学科交叉研究和学科建设。担任国家自然基金委重大研究计划《中国大气复合污染的成因与应对机制的基础研究》专家组组长(2015-),发表Science2009, 2016)、PNAS201120162019)、JAMA2012)等SCI论文350余篇,引用次数高达15,000多次,H因子为65


Professor Tong Zhu is the dean of College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University, China (since 2012). He is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in China (2021). Professor Zhu’s scientific research and teaching are focused on health effects of environmental pollution, transport and transformation of air pollutants in megacities and surrounding region, megacity air pollution control, kinetics and mechanisms of gas-phase and heterogeneous reactions in the atmosphere, air-surface exchange of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, atmospheric degradation and transport of persistent organic pollutants. Professor Zhu is currently the leader of the expert group of the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s major research program “Fundamental researches on the formation and response mechanism of air pollution complex in China ”. Professor Zhu has published more than 350 SCI papers in Science (2009, 2016), PNAS (201120162019), JAMA (2012) and other journals, with more than 15,000 citations and HI is 65.

Professor Zhu was funded by the National Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars in 1999, and was appointed as a Distinguished Professor of National Talents’ Plan  in 2000. Professor Zhu has won 3 provincial and ministerial first prizes (the first rank), including the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education. In 2019, he was elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union for his remarkable contributions to “basic research on atmospheric chemistry and assessment of the impact of air pollution in megacities on human health and climate”. Professor Zhu was appointed as a State Council Counselor in 2020. He is also the deputy director of the Environmental Science and Engineering Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, a member of the Environmental Science and Engineering Discipline Evaluation Group of the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the executive director of the Chinese Society for Environmental Science, the executive director of the China Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Research Association, and the integrated research on sustainable development in the Asian monsoon region. (MAIRS) Scientific Steering Committee Chairman, Vice Chairman of International Committee on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP), Director of the American Geophysical Union, etc.


















